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Vol. 90 Print Issues


Introduction to Socratic Method and the Irreducible Core of Legal Education, by David Weissbrodt here

Lecture, Socratic Method and the Irreducible Core of Legal Education, by Donald G. Marshall here

Retaliation, by Deborah L. Brake here

Justice Holmes, Buck v. Bell, and the History of Equal Protection, by Stephen A. Siegel here

Playing with “Monopoly Money”: Phony Profits, Fraud Penalties and Equity, by Craig M. Boise here

Note: Tax Increment Financing: Public Use or Private Abuse?, by Alyson Tomme here


Substantive Due Process as a Source of Constitutional Protection for Nonpolitical Speech, by Gregory P. Magarian here

A Theory of Copyright’s Derivative Right and Related Doctrines, by Michael Abramowicz here

Lawyers, Justice, and the Challenge of Moral Pluralism, by Katherine R. Kruse here

Essay: Unsubsidizing Suburbia, by Nicole Stelle Garnett here

Note: Meet Me at the (West Coast) Hotel: The Lochner Era and the Demise of Roe v. Wade, by Jason A. Adkins here


The “Duty” To Be a Rational Shareholder, by David A. Hoffman here

The Marshall Court and the Originalist’s Dilemma, by Peter J. Smith here

A Certain Mongrel Court: Congress’s Past Power and Present Potential To Reinforce the Supreme Court, by Ross E. Davies here

What Doth It Profit? Pelikan’s Parallels, by Steven D. Smith here

Comment: Giving Lawrence Its Due: How the Eleventh Circuit Underestimated the Due Process Implications of Lawrence v. Texas in Lofton v. Secretary of the Department of Children & Family Services, by Megan Backer here


Reformulating the Miranda Warnings in Light of Contemporary Law and Understandings, by Mark A. Godsey here

The Police Power Revisited: Phantom Incorporation and the Roots of the Takings “Muddle”, by Bradley C. Karkkainen here

Why the Defense of Marriage Act Is Not (Yet?) Unconstitutional: Lawrence, Full Faith and Credit, and the Many Societal Actors That Determine What the Constitution Requires, by Mark D. Rosen here

The Problem of Authority: Revisiting the Service Conception, by Joseph Raz here

Review Essay: A Psychology of Emotional Legal Decision Making: Revulsion and Saving Face in Legal Theory and Practice, by Peter H. Huang and Christopher J. Anderson here

Note, Pharmacist Refusals: Dispensing (With) Religious Accomodation Under Title VII, by Amy Bergquist here

Note: Fruit of the Poison Tree: A First Amendment Analysis of the History and Character of Intelligent Design Education, by Todd R. Olin here


Foreword: The Future of the Supreme Court: Institutional Reform and Beyond, by David R. Stras and Karla Vehrs here

Introductory Essay, Political Constraints on Supreme Court Reform, by Adrian Vermeule here

The Rule of Law and the Law of Precedents, by Daniel A. Farber here

Super Precedent, by Michael J. Gerhardt here

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, No, It’s Super Precedent: A Response to Farber and Gerhardt, by Randy E. Barnett here

Representative Government, Representative Court? The Supreme Court as a Representative Body, by Angela Onwuachi-Willig here

When is Knowing Less Better Than Knowing More? Unpacking the Controversy over Supreme Court Reference to Non-U.S. Law, by Mark Tushnet here

The Supreme Court, the Rules Enabling Act, and the Politicization of the Federal Rules: Constitutional and Statutory Implications, by Martin H. Redish and Uma M. Amuluru here

Should the Supreme Court Fear Congress?, by Neal Devins here

The Supreme Court and Its Shrinking Docket: The Ghost of William Howard Taft, by Kenneth W. Starr, here

Reintroducing Circuit Riding: A Timely Proposal, by Steven G. Calabresi and David C. Presser here

The Incentives Approach to Judicial Retirement, by David R. Stras here

Note: Embracing Equity: A New Remedy for Wrongful Health Insurance Denials, by E. Daniel Robinson here

Note: Determining a Corporation’s Principal Place of Business: A Uniform Approach to Diversity Jurisdiction, by Lindsey D. Saunders here

Note: Increasing E-Quality in Rural America: U.S. Spectrum Policy and Adverse Possession, by Lindsey L. Tonsager here


The Need for Mead: Rejecting Tax Exceptionalism in Judicial Deference, by Kristin E. Hickman here

Government Regulation of Irrationality: Moral and Cognitive Hazards, by Jonathan Klick and Gregory Mitchell here

An Embedded Options Theory of Indefinite Contracts, by George S. Geis here

Review Essay: The Limits of Their World, by Robert Hockett here

Note: Establishing a Substantial Limitation in Interacting with Others: A Call for Clearer Guidance from the EEOC, by Lisa M. Benrud-Larson here

Note: Compulsory Process and the War on Terror: A Proposed Framework, by Megan A. Healy here

Note: From House to Home: Creating a Right to Early Lease Termination for Domestic Violence Victims, by Anne C. Johnson here