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Vol. 108 Print Issues


Civil Rights Liability for Bad Hiring, by Nancy Leong here.

An Organizational Theory of International Technology Transfer, by Peter Lee here.

Bringing Courts into Global Governance in a Climate-Disrupted World Order, by Karen C. Sokol here.

Regulating History, by Sara C. Bronin and Leslie R. Irwin here.

The Federal Reserve’s Mandate by David T. Zaring and Jeffery Y. Zhang here.

Hello World? Domestic Software Patent Protection Stands Alone Due to Uncertain Subject Matter Eligibility Jurisprudence by Maxwell H. Terry here.

Help Me Sue a Gun Manufacturer: A State Legislator’s Guide to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act and the Predicate Exception by Evan Dale here.

From Powell to Present: Defining the Right to Counsel Beyond Rothgery by Amy M. Cohen here.


The Virtuous Executive by Alan Z. Rozenshtein here.

Banking Deserts, Structural Racism, and Merger Law by Christopher R. Leslie here.

Just Extracurriculars? by Emily Gold Waldman here.

The Algorithmic Explainability “Bait and Switch” by Boris Babic and I. Glenn Cohen here.

Physicians Spreading Medical Misinformation: The Uneasy Case for Regulation by Richard S. Saver here.

Banishing Federal Overstep: Why Protecting Tribal Sovereignty Justifies a Narrow Reading of the Indian Civil Rights Act by Randa Larsen here.

Sidestepping the Escherian Stairwell: Explicit Establishment as a Method for Circumventing Qualified Immunity’s Constitutional Stagnation by Earl Y. Lin here.

The Press Clause Needs Teeth: The Case for Strengthening Constitutional Press Protections as Protests by Ryan Liston here.


Can the Excessive Fines Clause Mitigate the LFO Crisis? An Assessment of the Caselaw by Michael O’Hear here.

Subjective Costs of Tax Compliance by Jonathan H. Choi and Ariel Jurow Kleiman here.

Making Whole, Making Better, and Accommodating Resilience by Erik Encarnacion here.

The Roberts Court and the Unraveling of Labor Law by Courtlyn G. Roser-Jones here.

Multi-Parent Custody by Jessica Feinberg here.

Throuples and Family Law by Philip de Sa e Silva here.

Americon Dream: Social Pressures and Lackluster Regulation Allow Multi-Level Marketing Companies to Function as De Facto Pyramid Schemes by Lindsay R. Maher here.

In Defense of Pickering: When a Public Employee’s Social Media Speech, Particularly Political Speech, Conflicts with Their Employer’s Public Service by Abby Ward here.


Animal Plaintiffs by Matthew Liebman here.

Article III and Indian Tribes by Grant Christensen here.

Contract Customization, Sex, and Islamic Law by Rabea Benhalim here.

Fixing Disparate Prosecution by Shime Baradaran Baughman and Jensen Lillquist here.

Platform Unions by Charlotte Garden here.

Two Is Not Always Better than One: Concurrent Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country and the Withering of Tribal Sovereignty Following McGirt and Castro-Huerta by Marina Berardino here.

The Good, the Bad, and the Unconstitutional: State Attempts to Solve the Defendant Class Action Problem by Tyler Blackmon here.

Modern Statutory Interpolation: Correcting Court-Made Deficiencies in Title VII Law by Jordan Boudreaux here.


Profit, Mission, and Protest at Work here.

Sound Marks here.

“Criminalizing” Depositions in Arbitration here.

Reproductive Objectification here.

Police-Made Law here.

Answering the Call: How Reconfiguration of the Nation’s Mental Health Crisis Call Line Can Facilitate Reimagination of Community Well-Being and Public Safety here.

The Mississippi River Basin Compact: A New Governance Structure to Save the Mississippi River here.

States’ Obligation to Provide for Trans Youth: How Medicaid Requires (Most) States to Provide Access to Puberty Blockers here.


Aiming for Answers: Balancing Rights, Safety, and Justice in a Post-Bruen America, by Chad Nowlan here.

Firearms Carceralism, by Jacob D. Charles here.

Firearms and the Homeowner: Defending the Castle, the Curtilage, and Beyond, by Cynthia Lee here.

Age Restrictions and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 1791–1868, by Megan Walsh and Saul Cornell here.

Scientific Context, Suicide Prevention, and the Second Amendment after Bruen, by Eric Ruben here.

Trouble’s Bruen: The Lower Courts Respond, by Brannon P. Denning and Glenn H. Reynolds here.

The Second Amendment’s Racial Justice Complexities, by Daniel S. Harawa here.