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Volume 108 - Issue 6

Note: Beating the Odds: The Public Policy of Drug Efficacy and Safety

By Noah Lewellen. Full text here. Decisions in the Supreme Court and, more recently, the Ninth Circuit have cast doubt on the role of statistical significance in drug development. In United States v. Harkonen, the defendant Harkonen was convicted of fraud for advertising successful testing of a drug when, in fact, the tests had not revealed…

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Note: Knowledge Is Power: How Implementing Affirmative Disclosures Under the JOBS Act Could Promote and Protect Benefit Corporations and Their Investors

By Laura A. Farley. Full text here. Benefit corporations are a new type of business entity that combine the notions of for-profit finances with the public and mission-based goals of non-profits, thus creating a unique business model that is just now gaining traction. Despite its popularity, the benefit corporation entity often faces financial difficulty because of…

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Resurrecting Trial by Statistics

By Jay Tidmarsh. Full text here. “Trial by statistics” was a means by which a court could resolve a large number of aggregated claims: a court could try a random sample of claims and extrapolate the average result to the remainder. In Wal-Mart, Inc. v. Dukes, the Supreme Court seemingly ended the practice at the federal…

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Duress as Rent-Seeking

By Mark Seidenfeld & Murat C. Mungan. Full text here. The doctrine of duress allows a party to avoid its contractual obligations when that party was induced to enter the contract by a wrongful threat while in a dire position that left it no choice but to enter the contract. Although threats of criminal or tortious…

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Structural Reform Litigation in American Police Departments

By Stephen Rushin. Full text here. In 1994, Congress passed 42 U.S.C. § 14141, a statute authorizing the Attorney General to seek equitable relief against local and state police agencies that are engaged in a pattern or practice of unconstitutional misconduct. Although police departments in some of the nation’s largest cities have now undergone this sort…

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When is HIV a Crime? Sexuality, Gender, and Consent

By Kim Shayo Buchanan. Full text here. HIV criminalization is difficult to justify on the grounds advanced for it: public health and moral retribution. This Article engages with a third, underexamined rationale for HIV criminalization: sexual autonomy. Nondisclosure prosecutions purport to ensure “informed consent” to sex. However, almost all other forms of sexual deception—including deceptions that…

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Note: Stimulating Dialogue Between the Courts and Congress: Sprucing Up the “Statutory Housekeeping” Project

By Jeff Simard. Full text here. Gluck and Bressman’s recent survey of legislative drafters suggests that judges who interpret and construe statutes are not on the same page as those who draft and revise them. This disconnect seems especially glaring in light of the rise of statute-based law and the increasing impact that judicial statutory interpretation…

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Note: Treating Adults Like Children: Re-Sentencing Adult Juvenile Lifers After Miller v. Alabama

By Brianna H. Boone. Full text here. Miller v. Alabama continued the trend in Supreme Court cases finding that juvenile criminal offenders are less culpable than adult offenders, by holding that states cannot sentence juvenile offenders to mandatory life without parole. The Court held that it is cruel and unusual punishment to sentence a juvenile to…

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Note: When Volunteers Become Employees: Using a Threshold-Remuneration Test Informed by the Fair Labor Standards Act To Distinguish Employees from Volunteers

By Emily Bodtke. Full text here. Despite the recognized importance of determining who is an “employee” for purposes of legal coverage, the concept remains unsettled. The confusion over how to define “employee” is now spreading to upset the boundary between employees and volunteers. As voluntarily unpaid workers increasingly bring lawsuits alleging discrimination under federal statutes, a…

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Choice-of-Law as Non-Constitutional Federal Law

By Mark D. Rosen. Full text here. Domestic choice-of-law is widely bemoaned for being a chaotic mess, with states using a half dozen different approaches.  But if we praise ‘our federalism’ for allowing states to adopt divergent laws that best reflect their citizens’ distinctive values, why are different tort and family laws across states normatively acceptable…

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