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Volume 108 - Issue 6

Bondholders and Securities Class Actions

By James J. Park. Full text here. Prior studies of corporate and securities law litigation have focused almost entirely on cases filed by shareholder plaintiffs. Bondholders are thought to play little role in holding corporations accountable for poor governance that leads to fraud. This Article challenges that conventional view in light of new evidence that bond…

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The Death of Tax Court Exceptionalism

By Stephanie Hoffer & Christopher J. Walker. Full text here. Tax exceptionalism — the view that tax law does not have to play by the administrative law rules that govern the rest of the regulatory state — has come under attack in recent years. In 2011, the Supreme Court rejected such exceptionalism by holding that judicial…

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Law at the End of War

By Deborah N. Pearlstein. Full text here. As the United States continues to withdraw troops from Afghanistan in the coming year, courts will increasingly face the task of interpreting the dozens of federal laws whose operation depends on the existence of war. The 2009 Military Commissions Act (MCA), for instance, makes offenses triable by military commission…

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Law's Remarkable Failure to Protect Mistakenly Overpaid Employees

By Jim Hawkins. Full text here. Employers frequently make mistakes and overpay their employees. For instance, the federal government alone, which makes up only around 2% of the U.S. workforce, will likely overpay its employees by $2 billion this year. After discovering the error, employers often recoup the mistaken overpayments without the supervision of the courts…

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A Corporate Right to Privacy

By Elizabeth Pollman. Full text here. The debate over the scope of constitutional protections for corporations has exploded with commentary on recent or pending Supreme Court cases, but scholars have left unexplored some of the hardest questions for the future, and the ones that offer the greatest potential for better understanding the nature of corporate rights.…

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