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Volume 108 - Issue 6

Patent Law's Audience

By Mark D. Janis & Timothy R. Holbrook. Full text here. Many rules of patent law rest on a false premise about their target audience. Rules of patentability purport to provide subtle incentives to innovators. However, innovators typically encounter these rules only indirectly, through intermediaries such as lawyers, venture capitalists, managers, and others. Rules of patent…

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Notice-and-Comment Sentencing

By Richard A. Bierschbach & Stephanos Bibas. Full text here. As the real policymakers of criminal justice, prosecutors and other criminal justice professionals resolve many of the complex debates about justice in sentencing by deciding what charges to file, what plea bargains to strike, and what sentences to recommend. But they make those value-laden decisions out…

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Note: Loaded Questions: A Suggested Constitutional Framework for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

By Reid Golden. Full text here. Recent developments in the interpretation of the Second Amendment left unanswered questions regarding the scope of the constitutional guarantee of armed self-defense. Most importantly, neither District of Columbia v. Heller nor McDonald v. City of Chicago set a firm standard for determining the constitutionality of gun-control laws. This determination is…

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New Evidence on Appeal

By Jeffrey C. Dobbins. Full text here. Appellate review is limited, almost by definition, to consideration of the factual record as established in the trial court. Adhering to this record review principle, appellate courts generally reject out of hand any effort to supplement the appellate record with evidence that was not considered by the court below.…

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In Defense of Judicial Empathy

By Thomas B. Colby. Full text here. President Obama has repeatedly stated that he views a capacity for empathy as an essential attribute of a good judge. And conservatives have heaped mountains of scorn upon him for saying so—accusing him of expressing open contempt for the rule of law. This Article seeks to offer a sustained…

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Which Law Governs During Armed Conflict? The Relationship Between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law

By Oona A. Hathaway, Rebecca Crootof, Philip Levitz, Haley Nix, William Perdue, Chelsea Purvis, and Julia Spiegel. Full text here. Which law governs during armed conflict—human rights law or humanitarian law? This Article aims to answer that question. It draws on jurisprudence, state practice, and recent scholarship to describe three possible approaches to applying the two…

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An Immigration Crisis in a Nation of Immigrants: Why Amending the Fourteenth Amendment Won’t Solve Our Problems

By Alberto R. Gonzales. Full text here. The concerns over another terrorist attack, a sluggish economic recovery, high unemployment rates, and state and local budget deficits have propelled immigration policy to the forefront of political debate in the United States. America’s current approach to immigration is an abject failure, undermining the rule of law and our…

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