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Volume 108 - Issue 6

Note: A Mock Funeral for a First Amendment Double Standard: Containing Coercion in Secondary Labor Boycotts

By Dan Ganin. Full text here. The secondary boycott provision of the National Labor Relations Act prohibits labor unions from using coercive tactics to induce “neutral” parties to sever economic ties with others. Although the judiciary has failed to clearly delineate the concept of coercion, secondary labor picketing has been deemed categorically coercive and subject…

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Note: To Fix or Not to Fix: Copyright's Fixation Requirement and the Rights of Theoretical Collaborators

By Carrie Ryan Gallia. Full text here. Despite its typical responsiveness to technological advances, copyright law has not kept pace with the emergence of the director as the primary player in American theater, leaving the contributions of this essential, creative artist without recognition or protection. Because work must be original, authored, and fixed to warrant…

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