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De Novo Archive

De Novo is the newest addition to the Minnesota Law Review family. The blog serves as a forum through which the staff, editors, and alumni of the Minnesota Law Review can contribute to legal thought and academic debate.

Cy Pres-ing for Funding

Cy Pres-ing for Funding: How Frank v. Gaos May Affect the Funding of Minnesota’s Legal Services By: Lucas Curtis, Volume 103 Staff Member Legal Aid organizations provide free, essential legal services to low-income clients;[1] however, free services come at a price. Due to diminished resources and a high demand for their services, Legal Aid organizations frequently have to…

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Scoot Back

SCOOT BACK: ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES POSED BY THE SUDDEN EMERGENCE OF THE E-SCOOTER INDUSTRY By: Alec Minea, Volume 103 Staff Member The scooter, the trendiest[1] and least efficient[2] transportation method of the early 2000s, experienced a glorious, evolutionary resurgence in 2018. Seemingly overnight, cities across the United States became inundated with souped-up, electric versions of their turn-of-the-century…

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Another ACA Lawsuit

ANOTHER ACA LAWSUIT: PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS, THE DOJ, AND SEVERABILITY IN TEXAS V. U.S. By: Noah Steimel, Volume 103 Staff Member I. INTRODUCTION On June 7, 2018, the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a brief arguing that the courts should strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA)’s protections for those with pre-existing conditions.[1]The underlying lawsuit, Texas v. U.S.,…

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Sticks And Stones And Permanent Muzzles

STICKS AND STONES AND PERMANENT MUZZLES: THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF PERMANENT INJUNCTIONS ON FUTURE SPEECH AFTER DEFAMATION TRIALS By: Connor Shaull, Volume 103 Staff Member A second chance is vital, especially regarding what we say. Indeed, an apology has followed some of the most notorious words humans have ever spoken.[1] Consequently, some…

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Matchmaking Mishaps

MATCHMAKING MISHAPS: NCAA AMATEURISM AND COLLEGIATE ESPORTS By: Michael Arin,† Volume 103 Staff Member On August 15, 2017, ESPN announced that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (“NCAA”) is formally investigating its role in the collegiate esports[1] domain.[2]  By late November 2017, the NCAA contracted with a Chicago-based marketing and consulting firm to “further its exploration…

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To Have and To Hold Regardless of Consent?

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD REGARDLESS OF CONSENT?: WHY THE MODEL PENAL CODE’S SEXUAL ASSAULT PROVISIONS SHOULD NOT INCLUDE AN AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE FOR SPOUSES AND INTIMATE PARTNERS By: Grace Quintana, Volume 102 Staff Member The fight for the right to control the terms of marital intercourse can be traced as far back as the first…

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Bush v. Gore

BUSH V. GORE: CAN THE SUPREME COURT’S MOST POLITICAL CASE PREVENT RUSSIAN HACKING OF VOTING MACHINES? By: Jakob Brecheisen, Volume 102 Staff Member Bush v. Gore[1] is nothing short of notorious.[2] Despite Justice Antonin Scalia admonishing Americans to “get over it,”[3] many continue to believe that Bush v. Gore is the prime example of a…

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The Gymnasts’ Army in the Age of Viral Media

THE GYMNASTS’ ARMY IN THE AGE OF VIRAL MEDIA: VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENTS’ CULTURE-SHIFTING POTENTIAL By: Julia Wolfe, Volume 102 Staff Member “I thought that training for the Olympics would be the hardest thing that I would ever have to do. But, in fact, the hardest thing I would ever have to do is process that…

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CFPB’s Independent Director

THE CFPB’S INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR STRUCTURE SURVIVES—FOR NOW By: Nick Kaylor, Volume 102 Staff Member The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) received a small victory on January 31, 2018, when an en banc panel of the D.C. Court of Appeals upheld 7-3 the agency’s single director structure as constitutional.[1] PHH Corporation (“PHH”)—the mortgage lender who brought…

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The H-4 Dreamers

THE H-4 DREAMERS: PROVIDING A FUTURE FOR THE CHILDREN OF H-1B VISA HOLDERS By: Frances Fink, Volume 102 Staff Member In September 2017, President Donald Trump ordered an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (“DACA”).[1] The program provided protection from deportation for hundreds of thousands of undocumented young people brought into the…

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