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The Minnesota Law Review is published six times a year in November, December, February, April, May, and June by the Minnesota Law Review Foundation. Headnotes is published two times a year in the Fall and Spring.

Minnesota Law Review

Submissions for the Volume 110 print edition of the Minnesota Law Review are closed as of Monday, March 24th. We will reopen for submissions in July 2025. Please submit all work via Scholastica or email at

Minnesota Law Review generally accepts articles within a word count range of 20,000 to 30,000 words, including footnotes. An ideal article is 20,000 to 25,000 words. We also consider shorter essays between 12,000 and 17,500 words, though this is a flexible guideline. We do not accept book reviews or student submissions.

If a manuscript receives an offer of publication from another journal before we have reached a decision, we encourage authors to request expedited review of their submission through their account on Scholastica. Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we cannot guarantee expedited review, but we strive to honor all requests for expedited consideration.

We appreciate your interest and are happy to answer any questions at

MLR: Headnotes

Headnotes accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Submissions should be sent to Due to the large number of submissions received, we are unable to respond to each submission. You will be contacted if your submission receives an offer of publication.

Publication Agreements

The Minnesota Law Review offers publication agreements that conform to Open Access Law Journal principles, which give authors great freedom to distribute their works. Please review a copy of our model publication agreement for further information.