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Vol. 106 Print Issues


Remembrance of and Tribute to Walter F. Mondale, by Garry W. Jenkins here.

The Law School as a White Space, by Bennett Capers here.

Stealing (Identity) From the Poor, by Sara S. Greene here.

The APA and the Assault on Deference, by Ronald M. Levin here.

4°C, by J.B. Ruhl & Robin Kundis Craig here.

Judicial Populism, by Anya Bernstein & Glen Staszewski here.

Proving Discrimination by the Text, by Deborah A. Widiss here.

Note: Copycat Cosmetics: The Beauty Industry and the Bounds of the American Intellectual Property System, by Marra M. Clay here.

Note: Tax, Spend, and Prevent Discrimination: Why Title IX’s Passage Under the Spending Clause Holds the Answer to a Quarter-Century Long Circuit Split, by Miriam Pysno Solomon here.

Note: You Don’t Have a Home to Go to but You Can Stay Here: A Bill of Rights for Unhoused Minnesotans, by Daniel P. Suitor here.



Walter Mondale and His Crusade for Public Accountability, by Lawrence R. Jacobs here.

Transition Administration, by Michael Herz & Katherine Shaw here.

Secrecy’s End, by Oona A. Hathaway here.

Discriminatory Permissions and Structural Injustice, by Lawrence G. Sager & Nelson Tebbe here.

Boilerplate Collusion: Clause Aggregation, Antitrust Law & Contract Governance, by Orly Lobel here.

Tax Without Cash, by Jeremy Bearer-Friend here.

Barring Entry to the Legal Profession: How the Law Condones Willful Blindness to the Bar Exam’s Racially Disparate Impacts, by Eura Chang here.

CJEU Déjà Vu: Facilitating International Data Transfers and Avoiding Internet Balkanization in the Wake of Schrems II by Enacting Targeted Reforms to US Surveillance Practices, by Jordan Francis here.

Unconstitutional but Authorized: The Federal Tort Claims Act Should Not Immunize the United States When Federal Officers Violate the Constitution, by Daniel Raddenbach here.



Remembrance of and Tribute to Walter F. Mondale, by Keith Ellison here.

The Input Fallacy, by Talia B. Gillis here.

Contractual Depth, by Cathy Hwang & Matthew Jennejohn here.

Lifting Labor’s Voice: A Principled Path Toward Greater Worker Voice and Power Within American Corporate Governance, by Leo E. Strine, Jr., Aneil Kovvali & Oluwatomi O. Williams here.

Patent Law’s Deference Paradox, by Paul R. Gugliuzza here.

Understanding Chilling Effects, by Jonathon W. Penney here.

A Moral and Legal Imperative to Act: The Bail Bond Industry, Consumer Protection, and Public Enforcers, by Brandie Burris here.

Show Me the Money: Addressing the Oversight Gap in Private Foundation Donations to Donor-Advised Funds, by Kerry Gibbons here.

Size Matters (Even If the Treasury Insists It Doesn’t): Why Small Taxpayers Should Receive a De Minimis Exemption from the GILTI Regime, by Patrick Riley Murray here.



Remembrance of and Tribute to Walter F. Mondale, by Amy Klobuchar here.

Rescinding Rights, by Joseph Landau here.

Renewable Energy Federalism, by Danielle Stokes here.

The Costs of the Punishment Clause, by Courtney E. Lollar here.

Antitrust, Attention, and the Mental Health Crisis, by Gregory Day here.

Inheriting Privilege, by Allison Anna Tait here.

Designer Minor: Creating a Better Legal Regime for Pediatric Cosmetic Procedures, by Hannah Oliason here.

Too Hot to Handle?: Native Advertising and the Firestone Dilemma, by Eliezer Joseph Silberberg here.