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Vol. 107 Print Issues


Citizenship Disparities, by Emily Ryo and Reed Humphrey here.

Rethinking the Crime of Rioting, by Nick Robinson here.

Unsexing Breastfeeding, by Naomi Schoenbaum here.

Killing the Motivation of the Minority Law Professor, by Goldburn P. Maynard Jr. here.

Optional Legislation, by Jacob Bronsther and Guha Krishnamurthi here.

Unprotected but Not Forgotten: A Call to Action to Help Federal Judiciary Employees Address Workplace Sexual Misconduct, by Theresa M. Green here.

The Diversity Formula: A Race-Neutral Playbook for Equitable Student Assignment and Its Application to Magnet Schools, by Joshua Gutzmann here.

Gruel and Unusual: Prison Punishment Diets and the Eighth Amendment, by Jackie Cuellar here.



How the Liberal First Amendment Under-Protects Democracy, by Tabatha Abu El-Haj here.

Essential Property, by Timothy M. Mulvaney and Joseph William Singer here.

Brady Lists, by Rachel Moran here.

Nonexclusive Functions and Separation of Powers Law, by Ilan Wurman here.

Say It Ain’t Roe: Dobbs and Reason Bans Are Trojan Horses for the Down Syndrome Community, by Calvin Lee here.

Minimum Deadly Contacts, by Jesse Noltimier here.

Why Are There So Many Taxes?: Teleworking and the Multiple Taxation Dilemma—Time to Standardize and Apportion, by Xiaoyuan Zhou here.



The Old Hand Problem, by Xiao Wang here.

Deals in the Heartland: Renewable Energy Projects, Local Resistance, and How Law Can Help, by Christiana Ochoa, Kacey Cook, and Hanna Weil here.

“Can You Hear Me Now?”: The Right to Counsel Prior to Execution of a Cell Phone Search Warrant, by Nathaniel Mensah here.

Americans, Beyond States and Territories, by Tom C.W. Lin here.

Public Law, Private Platforms, by Andrew Keane Woods here.

School Curricula and Silenced Speech: A Constitutional Challenge to Critical Race Theory Bans, by Dylan Saul here.

An (Un)reasonable Expectation of Privacy? Analysis of the Fourth Amendment When Applied to Keyword Search Warrants, by Helen Winters here.



Localism, Pretext, and the Color of School Dollars, by Derek W. Black here.

Criminal Terms, by Anna Roberts here.

Gender-Based Religious Persecution, by Pooja R. Dadhania here.

Procedural Posture and Social Choice, by Michael Risch here.

There Is No Such Thing as Circuit Law, by Thomas B. Bennett here.

Grandpa Sherman Did Not See Google Coming: Evolutions in Antitrust to Regulate Data Aggregating Firms, by Michael J.K.M. Kinane here.

Evolving Online Terrain in an Inert Legal Landscape: How Algorithms and AI Necessitate an Amendment of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, by Ellison Snider here.



Tea and Donuts, by Derek E. Bambauer and Robert W. Woods here.

The Law Enforcement Lobby, by Zoë Robinson and Stephen Rushin here.

The Public Stakes of Consumer Law: The Environment, the Economy, Health, Disinformation, and Beyond, by Rory Van Loo here.

Automated Agencies, by Joshua D. Blank and Leigh Osofsky here.

Antitrust Federalism and the Prison-Industrial Complex, by Gregory Day here.

Data Breach Class Actions: How Article III Standing Analysis Should Evolve After TransUnion, LLC v. Ramirez, by Caleb A. Johnson here.

Freedom to Pray, Not to Protest, by Leah Reiss here.

In Defense of (Mental) Hearth and Home: Challenges to § 922(g)(4) in the Wake of New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n v. Bruen, by Zachary M. Robole here.



Minnesota Law Review, Volume 108 Symposium Foreword, by Joshua Gutzmann here.

Leaving Langdell Behind: Reimagining Legal Education for a New Era, Symposium Keynote by Judith A. Gundersen here.

“More than the Numbers”: Empirical Evidence of an Innovative Approach to Admissions by Anahid Gharakhanian, Natalie Rodriguez, and Elizabeth A. Anderson here.

What We Teach When We Teach Legal Analysis by Susan A. McMahon here.

Law Students Left Behind: Law Schools’ Role in Remedying the Devastating Effects of Federal Education Policy by Sandra L. Simpson here.

Teaching Dissents by Sherri Lee Keene here.

Secondary Courses Taught by Secondary Faculty: A (Personal) Call to Fully Integrate Skills Faculty and Skills Courses into the Law School Curriculum Ahead of the NextGen Bar Exam by O.J. Salinas here.

Dethroning Langdell by Beth Hirschfelder Wilensky here.

Client-Centered Legal Education and Licensing by Deborah Jones Merritt here.

Modern Diploma Privilege: A Path Rather Than a Gate by Catherine Martin Christopher here.